8 thoughts on “Lost In Space/ Twilight Zone – Billy Mumy Sci-Fi Classics”

  1. How doeS One Get Lost iN Space, unLeSSpaAC€ €NTrS AnothUR draGon… I’ll Wait 4 A Man To Ask KroNoS 2 Change The Clock… SpRING, A HeaD… And FaLL BaaK 2 Sleep…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good question: How does one get lost in space? Even if the adventures from Lost In Space to Space: 1999 can still be specifically fun, it’s interesting to look back on how our earliest sci-fi shows could make such a premise work for all the imagined advancements of our space age.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Siri us Le?
        INdia eS 50k €arS ahead of us…
        What’s Left 2 image IN?
        KiLL all indianS exCept india’s indianS…
        AD Vance MEN t
        You me-an to be complacent?
        KiLL anyone that ScriBeS ore PickS uP A CraYawn “€N the beginning…”
        Y we h€ar, here, ore there?
        Creator assWiped eF’ing LiL 4€V€UR…
        Yes, “the big bang” was MaN telling TrutH… no WombS, eF GoD!
        (yeah, me2… butt eF LiLiTH if Womb €V€r ReTURnS… Mother earth? Yor Momma, eSAy! Keep iT!
        When SAtURn a Wak€Ns, I’ll eF My Family FURst and 4MosT… Keep LiL.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I must see if that channel is here. We have a lot of channels on our network. I just remember, no Saturday tea time was complete without Lost in Space. I think i saw every episode.

        Liked by 3 people

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